Large Animal: 540.987.1200. Small Animal: 540.987.9300

These are general guidelines only. Please consult with Dr. Massie, Dr. O’Brien, Dr. Hausler or Dr. Burke to determine your horse’s specific needs.



  • -4-way vaccine (EEE, WEE, Tetanus, and Flu) or 5-way (same as 4-way but with Rhino)
  • -Annually, usually in the spring (March/April)
  • -Botulism vaccine
  • -Annually, to all horses eating round bales and to all weanlings
  • -Rabies vaccine
  • -Annually
  • -Rhinopneumonitis vaccine
  • -Annually or Bi-Annually depending on use (Spring +/-Fall)
  • -Given to pregnant mares every 2 months (i.e. 3, 5, 7, and 9 months gestation)
  • -Strangles vaccine
  • – Intranasal. Given to all horses in contact with transient horses
  • -West Nile Virus Vaccine
  • -Annually

Coggins Testing:

  • -Annually if horse is taken off your farm.

Deworming Schedule:

  • -Recommend doing fecals at RHVP to see if your horses have worms; and
  • -Deworm with an Ivermectin product if necessary.
  • -Once per year use a different product (double dose of Panacur (10mg/kg). You may also use or Quest, Equimax, Zimectrine Gold, ComboCare)


  • -Examine for wear and sharpness at least 1x/year and float as needed. Some horses will need to be floated 2x/year.


  • -4-way vaccine (EEE, WEE, Tetanus, Flu)
  • -At three months of age followed by a booster 3-4 weeks later.
  • – Botulism vaccine
  • -At weaning
  • – Rhinopneumonitis vaccine
  • -First dose in the fall
  • – Strangles vaccine
  • -Given to foals in contact with transient horses or in known positive barns
  • -West Nile Virus
  • -Depending on when born, shots given (when >2 mos. old) April and August (w/ booster)